This is Arthur
Arthur is a 5 month old Golden Retriever puppy that came in to Family Friends Veterinary Hospital after being very lethargic and vomiting for several days. As a young puppy that likes to get in to things…
Arthur is a 5 month old Golden Retriever puppy that came in to Family Friends Veterinary Hospital after being very lethargic and vomiting for several days. As a young puppy that likes to get in to things…
Ziggy is a very sweet 12-year-old golden doodle who was brought to All Creatures Animal Clinic in Ann Arbor and diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease.
Our New Friend Ziggy! Read More »
Meet another Companion Animal Fund success story – Cain Hall! Cain is a 2-year-old male American Beauford Bulldog. He was brought into the Humane Society of Huron Valley with acute abdominal pain, vomiting, and a poor appetite. The veterinarian suspected a foreign body which meant Cain needed surgery his owners couldn’t afford. With the help
This is Cain, the Latest CAF Success Story! Read More »
Meet 3-year-old Shih-Tzu Bella Deville. Her owners noticed that she wasn’t feeling like her old self, and took her to Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic for a check-up. The veterinarian noted blood in Bella’s urine and diagnostics are needed to determine the cause and treatment needed. The Companion Animal Fund made it possible for Bella to
We’d Like to Introduce You to Our New Friend, Bella Deville Read More »
This is Bean. He visited Mackinaw Veterinary Associates a few months back for a second opinion on heart disease. Bean was having severe bloating episodes along with labored breathing and coughing and a Grade V/VI murmur was noted. With the help of MVMA and the Companion Animal Fund, Bean was referred to Veterinary Cardiology Consultants
Meet Knox Davis. She is a very sweet, lovable girl, and her family spoils her and treats her like a child. Unfortunately, she also does silly things that kids would do and puts things in her mouth that she shouldn’t. Previously she ingested foreign objects and because of this she had adhesions in her intestines.
Meet Knox Davis – Your Donations Helped Her Get the Care She Needed! Read More »
Every day, we work to improve the lives of animals, but we need you by our side. As a MAHF supporter, you can help provide care for an animal that would otherwise not receive it.