Sympathy Cards and Inserts
Show your clients you care!The loss of a beloved pet is a very difficult time for a client. Make a donation to MAHF in their deceased pet’s name.Purchase memorial cards or inserts that can be put in your own card indicating that you have made a donation in their pet’s name.
Sympathy Cards or Inserts Pricing
Order Sympathy Cards or Inserts
Honor A Colleague
Veterinarians may honor deceased colleagues on the MVMA Memorial Plaque. When contributions reach $500, the member’s name is engraved on the plaque, which is proudly displayed in the MVMA office.To honor a colleague, please include their name with your donation.
Donations Through Planned Giving
Veterinarians and their clients are encouraged to leave a legacy through planned giving. Planned giving is a form of charitable giving in which one’s assets are given through wills and estate plans in order to enhance a non-profit organization’s work. Most planned gifts are by a simple bequest in a will. Planned giving is a way for individuals to add satisfaction and meaning to their lives by assisting organizations close to their hearts.
Some donors work with their attorney, accountant or financial adviser to provide for future gifts while reserving an income interest using a charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuities or pooled income funds. Assets used to fund planned gifts include life insurance, IRA beneficiary designations and appreciated assets, such as securities and real estate. Contact the Michigan Animal Health Foundation at 517/347-4710 for assistance.